Workplace Investigations

Designed for HR/ER Professionals

Our Workplace Investigative Interviewing Strategies seminar takes the learning objectives of our world-famous Level I training and applies them to the needs of the modern workplace so you can protect your greatest asset: your people.

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Bring WZ to Your Team

Build a solid employee relations team by bringing the WZ Workplace Investigative Interviewing Strategies program into your organization for an in-house training customized to your unique values and investigative needs.

About Custom Programs
Meet Our Instructors

Every WZ seminar is taught by a Certified Forensic Interviewer who is still active in the investigative interviewing field and puts what they teach into practice. Find out more about our distinguished roster of amazing instructors.

Instructor Bios
Workplace Investigative Interviewing Strategies for HR/ER Professionals
A powerful, interactive, HRCI and SHRM Pre-Approved two-day workshop

The greatest asset of any organization is its people. And whether your department is called human resources. employee relations, talent management, or ethics, YOU will be given the responsibility of maintaining that asset. With that responsibility comes many difficult conversations. You are entrusted to handle the most personal and sensitive of cases, often including bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment, fraud, and other integrity issues with little to no evidence.

Gathering information in these circumstances comes down to your skills as an investigator and an interviewer, and that information will be used to make decisions that will forever impact peoples’ careers and possibly even their lives.

The Workplace Investigative Interview Strategies seminar is a specially-designed version of our famous Level I Investigative Interviewing Methods course that focuses on the hardest cases that you will face as a human resources professional. When you attend the WIIS seminar, you come out with not just one strategy, but an entire toolkit of conversational tools that you can use in any workplace interaction.

Topics include

  • Choosing the Best Interview Strategy
  • Investigating Employee Complaints
  • Building Rapport and Maintaining Empathy
  • Effective Fact-Gathering
Level II Practical Application Workshop
An opportunity to apply knowledge, skills, and abilities acquired to real-world practical problems

The Level II – WZ Practical Application Workshop is designed to provide those who have completed any version of our Level 1 Investigative Interviewing Training Programs with the opportunity to hone their skills in a risk-free, collaborative environment. It is comprised of a single, complex continuing case scenario.

Working in small groups, participants will work through a complicated and realistic misconduct complaint from a fictitious business operation, based on an actual case and company.

Learning outcomes include

  • Developing an Interview Strategy
  • Building and Maintaining Rapport
  • Structuring an Empathy Statement
  • Conducting a Participatory Interview
  • Practicing the WZ Interview Method
  • Assessing and Presenting FIndings
Effective Leadership: Evaluating Interviewers
A two-day intensive program designed to assist and empower team leaders

This program is designed for senior-level team members who oversee investigations conducted within their division.

In this comprehensive training, we’ll equip leaders with the necessary strategies to ensure your interview team has a clear understanding of investigative interview techniques. Learn how to set and maintain interview standards, provide effective coaching, and present evaluations without damaging morale.

This program is designed to meet the specific needs of your organization and includes the opportunity to record training exercises for your team’s benefit.

I have been in HR for awhile and I was just going through the motions.

I walked out of that class and fel empowered to really take charge of my HR craft again!

Nyshieka Hunley
Regional HR Manager, BMC